Promoting a new Blockchain Technology-based digital learning pattern in VET to boost entrepreneurship, sustainable business creation and growth”BLOCK by BLOCK
As it emerges from the European Digital Strategy:Shaping Europe’s Digital Future (EC-2020),“the EU wants to be a leader in blockchain technology, becoming an innovator in blockchain and a home to significant platforms, applications and companies”.
We can also see that in recent times and even more since the World Pandemic, Blockchain Technologies (BCT) and their use have grown to the point that the required digital skills and possible investment to incorporate such smart technologies onto different organizational systems,are now accessible, however still lacking the required minimum knowledge from organizations and individuals to navigate successfully the digital global economy,so that such businesses can also grow faster and in a more sustainable way.
Thus in this context,we can see how the project BLOCK by BLOCK:“Promoting a new Blockchain Technology-based digital learning pattern in VET to boost entrepreneurship, sustainable business creation and growth” aims at becoming a new EU educational reference within the Blockchain Technology for new business creation,growth & sustainability and,VET Education,as it will provide an innovative online training model and e-tools specifically designed to boost entrepreneurship and,by incorporating in it the BCT fundamentals,tailored on the actual needs of the project target groups,it will also enhance the creation of new sustainable online businesses,while facilitating the growth of existing ones,in a more transparent & reliable way (given by the main featured brought in by blockchain technology itself).
During the 2 years of project implementation BLOCK by BLOCK aims to develop the following list of outcomes & Project results (PRs):
- A multilanguage project website available in 7 Programme’s languages (EN/DE/IT/NL/ES/PL/FI) & Social Media page;
- PR1: Customized Framework of Competences for “Blockchainers”: for current & future digital entrepreneurs & social entrepreneurs, also valid for VET Trainers and Educators, that will define the required set of knowledge, skills & attitudes, for a sustainable digital business growth and creation, thanks to the understanding and incorporation of targeted Blockchain Technology’s fundamentals, which will enable individuals and organizations to navigate successfully the global digital economy.*Based on the Competence Framework, the following 2 Project Results will be developed:
- PR2:Interactive Online Course for present & future Entrepreneurs(VET Learners) and VET Educators: including min. 180 participants (30 per Country involved) from the project target group, who will benefit and be certified from it.
- PR3: self-assessment educational App: with the aim of further capacity-building and empowering present and future “blockchainers”,through the use of analogies & gamification – (min150 downloads)
- LTTA: Train the Trainer Blended Learning Mobility with the aim of capacity-building Staff Members while pilot testing first-hand all 3 Project Results and therefore, develop new transferrable training patterns and sustainable business ideas that can encourage the actual use of Blockchain Technology to boost entrepreneurship (new business creation) and improve existing models (sustainable business growth) – 18 participants in total
- A final set of 6 Multiplier Events (E1-E6) to take place at the end of the project in each Partner Country, including a Final International Conference in the City of Alzira (Spain): 200 Attendees in Total
Initial target groups for dissemination activities inside the project consortium will comprise the following:
- Business Owners, Public Bodies & NGOs’ Directors, Managers, Present & future digital Entrepreneurs, Start-uppers, VET & Adult Learners, Freelancers, etc.
- VET Trainers, Adult Educators, Youth Workers, Partner organisations & their Staff.
- OTHER STAKEHOLDERS: SMEs, Start-ups, Business Incubators, NGOs, Public Bodies (Chambers, Municipalities, Development Agencies etc.) and different type of Education providers (VET, Adult, etc.),including relevant Policy Makers and HEIs, willing to test and incorporate the new developed online training curricula and e-tools into their educational offer.
- Finally, wannabe “blockchainers” will also be able to benefit first-hand from the project online training methodology and e-tools, which will eventually lead to a multiplier effect and, a significant positive socio-economic impact in Europe and beyond.
P1) Coordinator) Brainplus-Projektmanagement Schabereiter – AUSTRIA
P3) Stichting Social DNA – THE NETHERLANDS
P4) Acumen Training Sp. z o.o. – POLAND
P5) Taste Roots Società Cooperativa / Upwell Development Consulting – ITALY
P7) Polygonal North oy – FINLAND